Monday, December 1, 2008

變形金剛 - TF Classics Group Pic

變形金剛 TRANSFORMERS Classic Inferno 火地獄

愛‧可曾記起 - 林明美

林明美, is an anime character whom I will never forget. Her voice is so touching.

Cat food?

Is so cute that you would not bear to eat it.



Brave Gokin 合金 Ride Armour CMS

メーカー希望小売価格 7,350円 
驚異の小スケールサイズでアーマーバイクからライドアーマーへの変形を実現したBRAVE合金モスピーダシ リーズにバートレーがいよいよ登場!ライディング・スーツは女性用タイプを新規造型し、武装はビームバズー カを装備!ボーナスパーツとしてフーケの素顔パーツが付属。そしてさらに番組のマスコットキャラクターであ るミントのフィギュアが立ちポーズとタンデムポーズの2種付属!
Brave 合金20X Ride Armour ダークバートレー 【Shinobu Type】 

Brave 合金20 Ride Armour バートレー 【Fouquet Type】

メーカー希望小売価格 7,350円 (税込) 
驚異の小スケールサイズでアーマーバイクからライドアーマーへの変形を実現したBRAVE合金モスピーダシ リーズにダークバートレーが登場!装着者のムーンベース36分隊報道班所属、シノブ・竹内には武器ではなく カメラが付属!さらにボーナスパーツとしてシノブの素顔パーツも付属。1000個限定。

装着変形を実現!!!! 機甲創世記モスピーダ

発売日: 2009年2月下旬発売予定

定価:6,090円 販売価格:5,481円

Official Website of HK Gundam EXPO 2008

四葉妹妹 / YOTSUBA by Revoltech

I want to like 四葉妹妹 lead a care free life. Read book and have an ice cream at the same time.

四葉妹妹 loves to play with water. Wee!!!

Seven out of eight of this years best selling games are sequels

Financial website Seeking Alpha is reporting that the video game industry is proving to really be recession-proof. Video game sequels have continued to sell well during the past 12 months. Seven out of the top eight best selling games in the past year are all sequels with Wii Fit being the only exception.

The Computer mouse is 40 today

Forty years ago (in 1968), the computer mouse made its debut at a presentation in San Francisco. The mouse was invented by Doug Engelbart and his team at the Stanford Research Institute in California who made the first prototype for their computer controlling device out of wood. One research nicknamed it a mouse but Engelbart was hoping that when it escaped out to the world it would have a more dignified name. New technology is threating the dominance of the mouse with one research analyst stating that he very much doubts we'll be using a mouse in 40 years' time.

Street Fighter 4 Game Cover for PS3 & XBOX 360

Most properly I will get a XBOX 360 version as the online service is much better than what PS have to offer.

Macross Toy

This armour is very impressive. I would like to have 1 of it.